Friday, February 26, 2010

College Basketball: A candid interview with Terrence Rencher

In the first 10 minutes following Wednesday night's 77-70 loss to Stephen F. Austin, Texas State head coach Doug Davalos was nowhere to be seen. Davalos usually comes down to speak with the media before the NCAA-allotted 10-minute "cool down" period is finished.

Twenty minutes elapsed before there was any sight of a coach of the Bobcats.

Finally, Texas State assistant coach Terrence Rencher (at left) ambled his way to the court to conduct the post-game press conference. Rencher told the media he'd be answering questions and not Davalos, but Davalos did speak following the game (in his office) with one intrepid reporter.

When Rencher talked, he gave an honest opinion of the state of the Bobcats. Rencher was none too pleased with what happened in the game or what he's seen out of the team recently.

Rencher on what turned the tide in the game: "There were a couple of breakdowns before the end of the half and we never recovered, which is inexcusable."

Rencher on how the coaches tried to rally the team: "We told them that we had to get back to the foundation of what got us the lead in the first place, which was playing solid, sticking to the game plan and forcing tough shots. For some reason, we lost focus in the second half."

Rencher on what allowed SFA to take control of the game: "They have veteran guard play. They have solid, steady leadership at the guard position."

Rencher on if the Bobcats have leaders in the backcourt: "No, and that's not to take shots at anybody, but I can say that about any position on our team. We need consistent play and guys that you know every game what you're going to get from them."

Rencher on if Texas State is a contender to win the SLC: "No. I'm not going to play politics with you. We've had flashes this year of a team that could compete with anybody in our league, but then we've shown too many flashes where we're not that team. Today, at this point, we're not a championship contender. I'm just being brutally honest."

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