Saturday, March 5, 2011

College Football: Darryl Morris, ladies and gentlemen

I prepared to write a Pulitzer Prize-winning blog entry about the first day of spring football practice and then I talked with Texas State junior cornerback Darryl Morris.

Take it away, Darryl.

On what it feels like to be back on the field — "It's exciting for everybody now. It's not like, 'Ugh, practice.' It’s like 'Yeah, practice.'"

On what it's like with the new coaching staff — "It's crazy out here. Every coach is just yelling, coaching up everybody left and right. In one day, I feel like we elevated all of our games up that much more than before. When we were doing workouts, just lifting, we were like 'This is good stuff.' Then we started meeting up with our coaches and everybody could tell this is going to be something special. We can trust the coaches now because they know what they're doing."

On if he felt the previous coaches were holding the team back (Morris led on throughout his answers that this was the case and when asked, he was given ample opportunity to pass on the question or say 'No comment') — "Yeah. I don't mind answering that. It's just a totally different atmosphere. It's exciting. I feel like we're getting coached better. The coaches we had here before, they were cool, but I feel like with these guys, we took a step up. We're going to the WAC. We have coaches that are actually Division I coaches. And just look at it out here [Morris points around the field]. It looks way different. We have all new equipment. A new board. The other time keeper board we had like tape wrapped around it. Sometimes it didn’t work at all. People actually care now. It’s fun to be out here.


Anonymous said...

Great interview Tyler. Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Ditto, solid job.

San Marcos Daily Record said...

Thanks, folks. Just trying to get you all the news you want about Texas State athletics.